Exhibitors information
To participate in the exhibition, download and fill out the application file, then send it to roo_sa_rt@mail.ru.
Республики Татарстан
Dear exhibitors!

We are glad to welcome you at the Kazan Expo International Exhibition Center at the DENTAL KAZAN EXPO ® exhibition.

This "Guide" has been prepared to make the process of preparing and participating in the event as simple and effective as possible, as well as orienting exhibitors to the services of the Organizers and the Kazan Expo IEC in order to resolve issues.

The registration desk of the exhibition organizers is open throughout the entire period of preparation and work of the exhibition. If you have questions about participation, please contact the specialists of the relevant services or the representatives of the organizers of the exhibition (reception desk - Pavilion No. 1).

To provide quality and timely services, please pay attention to the deadlines for submitting applications for services that you plan to order at the exhibition.
We wish you successful work at the exhibition!
Deadlines for submitting information
Applications for technical services and additional equipment must be sent before April 30, 2020. When applying after the deadline, the cost of services increases by 50%. Applications submitted during the installation or operation of the exhibition are provided only subject to the availability of technical capabilities/personnel and are calculated with a 100% surcharge.
Documents for payment
To obtain documents for payment for the exhibition (invoice, acceptance certificate of services rendered), the organization representative must sign the acceptance certificate at the registration desk (Pavilion No. 1) during the installation of the exhibition.

You must have a power of attorney with you (Form 11) for the right to sign the act, two originals of the contract. Documents for payment will be issued on June 7 at the reception. For questions related to payment, bills and documents for payment, please contact the reception.
Stands construction
For questions about the construction and equipment of standard stands, you need to contact the specialists:

Alina Vladimirova: tel .: +7 843 567 22 99 (ext. 1214),
mob .: 8-904-671-42-92
E-mail: Alina.Vladimirova@kazanexpo.ru

Valiullina Dinara: tel. +7 843 567 22 99 (ext. 1216),
mob .: 8-904-761-60-68
E-mail: Dinara.Valiullina@kazanexpo.ru

The complete set of standard stands is presented in the section "Standard assembly complete sets samples". The list of additional equipment and services for 5 technical connections is presented in Form 1 "Prices for additional equipment and furniture" and Form 2 "Services for technical connection". These forms must be sent before April 30, 2019 to the contacts indicated in them.

Cleaning stands
The rental rate includes the cost of cleaning common areas and walkways in the exhibition pavilions of the Kazan Expo IEC once a day, removing the contents of trash baskets from stands as necessary, but no more than 3 times a day.

Participants who need cleaning at the booth should order an additional cleaning service (Form 7).
Allowable Sound Level
During the exhibition, the sound level at your stand should not interfere with the work of other exhibitors. Allowable sound level along the border of the stand up to 75 dB.

Security mode
The security service provides access control and general security for the territory of the Kazan Expo IEC. From 5 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. the pavilions are closed, handed over under the burglar alarm and transferred to general security. The presence in the pavilions of Participants and representatives of third-party companies involved in servicing the stands until the exhibition pavilions are removed from protection and burglar alarms is prohibited. The Organizer is not responsible for the safety of exhibits and other material values belonging to the Participant.

Responsibility for the safety of exhibits and No. Contents Pavilion 1

1. Characteristics of exhibition halls S = 5,054 m2
1.1 Maximum permissible distributed floor load q = 5 tn / m2 (in places of passage of trays covered with plywood 5 tn / m2)
1.2 Height to floor trusses h = 12.5 m
1.3 The maximum permissible building height is 5 m (7 m with a suspension)
2 The maximum permissible dimensions of the transported goods are h = 7.40 b = 5.70
3. Number of mounting doors 3
3.1 Dimensions of mounting doors H * V, mm 7.5 m (h ) x 5.8m 5.8m x 5.8m
4. Overall dimensions between the pavilion gates 7.5m (h) x 5.8m 5.8m x 5.8m
5. Possibility of connections through channels in the floor:
5.1 electricity 220 / 380 V, total showroom Number of points: 216 N = 21.5kWt
5.2 tap water Number of points: 360
6. Number of conference rooms 10 (3rd floor)
7. Maximum load on beams (trusses) when making suspensions 3000 kg to y zel (30 kH) 6 personal items on the stand during the assembly / disassembly, check-in / check-out and exhibition work lies with the Participant.

In order to avoid misunderstandings and loss of property from the stand, we ask you to ensure the constant presence of the responsible representative of your company at the stand throughout the entire period of preparation and holding of the exhibition.

Access to the exhibition area. registration

All participants are required to register. Registration is carried out on June 4,5 2019, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the registration desk in Pavilion No. 1. When registering, a participant must have: - the original of a signed letter to obtain a pass with the signature of the head of the organization (Form 10). the original of the signed contract for participation in the event in duplicate (if the original contract was not previously provided to the Organizer); - the original or a copy (certified by the seal) of the payment order with a bank note on the payment of the cost of participation in the event; - power of attorney for the right to sign the necessary documents related to participation in the event (including acts of reception and transmission of exhibition stands, acts of services rendered). After registration, the Participant is issued a badge pass.


Mounting passes for personnel involved in the installation / dismantling of stands are ordered by the Developers and obtained by them after passing and paying for the approval of design documentation at the registration desk. Mounting passes are valid for entering the territory of the Kazan Expo IEC and the pavilion in which the stand is being built, during the entire period of installation and dismantling of the exhibition with an identity document. Mounting passes are not valid on exhibition days.

Import and export of goods
Import and export of goods is carried out in the loading and unloading area of the pavilions. At the same time, 2 trucks can be located in the unloading / loading zone (according to the number of entry gates). For the import / export of goods (equipment and exhibits) it is necessary to send an application by e-mail to dental@kazanexpo.ru by April 30 (Form 6). The organizer of the exhibition will create a schedule for the arrival of cars for unloading / loading on the days of installation / dismantling based on the letters issued for the import / export of goods (Form 6).

The time of unloading and loading operations is from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Installation on June 3 for unloading is permitted for freight vehicles with equipment for mounting stands and vehicles with large exhibits, including self-propelled. for unloading, freight vehicles are allowed with vehicles with equipment for mounting stands and vehicles with large-sized exhibits, including self-propelled ones.

June 4 - vehicles with exhibits and materials of participants are allowed.

Import and export of goods

June 7 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. vehicles are allowed in the unloading / loading area for the export of exhibits and materials of participants.

June 8 - freight cars of developers and participants are allowed for the export of bulky exhibits.

The export of goods (equipment and exhibits) is carried out after the exhibition closes. The packing and sending of exhibits before the closing of the exhibition is not allowed. Maximum unloading time for vehicles with carrying capacity: up to 2t - no more than 1 hour, up to 10t - no more than 2 hours, up to 20t - no more than 4 hours. The time of unloading / loading is determined based on the size, vehicle, volume and nature of the cargo. No parking in the unloading / loading area!

Contact person for the letter of import / export: Vladimirova Alina: tel .: +7 843 567 22 99 (ext. 1214), mob .: 8-904-671-42-92 E-mail: Alina.Vladimirova@kazanexpo. ru

The basis for the import / export of goods of the Participant / Developer (stand construction elements, tools, equipment, exhibits, materials, etc.) is a letter of import / export with the list of equipment (in 3 copies) drawn up on company letterhead. Form 6 One copy of the letter is handed over to the Exhibition Organizer, the second is provided to the security officer in the pavilion upon import, the third after removal of the stand is visually exported at the registration desk (standard stands) and provided to the security officer during the export of goods. For drivers and accompanying persons (movers, employees of the Security Council of the company) it is necessary to issue mounting passes (Form 10). When a Participant / Developer's car enters the unloading / loading area, the presence of a company representative and / or movers is mandatory. In case of their absence, the machine is not allowed in the unloading / loading zone. Car wash in the loading and unloading zone and on the territory of the Kazan Expo IEC is prohibited. Rental services for loading and unloading equipment and personnel, if necessary, are ordered and paid in advance (Form 7).

Loading and unloading coordinators during check-in / out: Ismagilov Lenar Nailovich: mob. 8-926-557-48-19, e-mail: Lenar.Ismagilov@kazanexpo.ru Prieshkin Vladimir Alexandrovich: mob. 8-927-445-94-93, e-mail: Vladimir.Prieshkin@kazanexpo.ru

Registration of the transfer
Transfer and return of exhibition stands are carried out under the act of acceptance. The representative of the participant / partner must have a duly executed power of attorney with the right to sign acts of transfer and acceptance of exhibition stands, acts of work performed, services rendered (Form 11). The surname, name, patronymic and position of the representative must be notified in writing to the Organizer no later than 5 (five) days before the start date of the exhibition. The transfer of exhibition space is subject to the full payment of participation in accordance with the terms of the contract.

Medical assistance
Qualified medical staff during the preparation and holding of the exhibition will be located in the medical office on the ground floor in Pavilion No. 1 of the Kazan Expo IEC. In urgent cases, call 03 or 112.

Insurance of all possible risks associated with participation in the exhibition (losses from loss or damage to exhibits and other property, losses incurred in connection with the cancellation of the exhibition, etc.), as well as civil liability, is carried out by the Participants independently and at their own expense.

Fire safety regulations

Compliance with the Fire Safety Rules on the territory of the Kazan Expo IEC is mandatory for all persons. (see the section "Fire Safety Rules"). These rules must be guided by all Participants / Developers in the design and construction of stands at the exhibition.

Official catalog
Information about the company for publication in the official catalog of the exhibition is accepted no later than April 30, 2019.

Contact for sending information: Vladimirova Alina: mob. +7 (904) 671-42-92 e-mail: Alina.Vladimirova@kazanexpo.ru

Types of buildings and exhibition space
A standard stand is a stand made of Octanorm type exhibition structures on carpet, the color of the panels is white. It is possible to apply customer information on wall panels by gluing walls with Oracal or ORAJET films. The height of the standard stand is 2.5 m. The list of equipment included in the package of the standard stand is indicated in the section "Samples of the assembly of standard stands".

A non-standard stand is a stand built according to an individual project, not subject to replication, of an arbitrary permitted height (up to 6 m). The constructive solution of the stand involves the use of non-standard exhibition systems, building and decorative materials, mainly disposable, with certificates of compliance with fire and safety requirements.

Installation and dismantling
The installation, dismantling, decoration of standard stands at the exhibition is carried out by the Organizer. Participants in their own installation, dismantling, decorating and engineering works or involvement of third-party organizations (developers) for these works are allowed only on condition of installation-dismantling of non-standard (on an unequipped or open area) exhibition stands with an approval certificate for installation work, issued after passing the control of design and technical documentation. All installation and decoration of the stand should be completed in accordance with the exhibition schedule. On the last day of installation, the area of your stand and adjacent walkways should be freed from packaging materials and containers.

Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan,
Butlerova st., 16

+7 (843) 562-00-89
+7 (905) 021-45-01

Dental Association of the Republic of Tatarstan
Privacy Policy

Personal data processing policy in the Regional Public Organization "Dental Association of the Republic of Tatarstan" (RPO "DA RT")

General Provisions.

1.1. This "Regulation on the processing and protection of personal data of customers (in hereinafter the "Regulation") is developed on the basis of:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation,
  • Labor Code;
  • Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-ФЗ "On Personal Data", and other applicable regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 1, 2012 No. 1119 "On approval of the requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems";
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2008 No. 687 "On approval of the Regulation on the features of the processing of personal data carried out without the use of automation";
  • Order of the FSTEC (Federal Service for Technical and Export Control) of Russia dated February 18, 2013 No. 21 "On approval of the composition and content of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems";
  • Guidance document of the FSTEC of Russia "Basic model of threats to the security of personal data when they are processed in personal data information systems" dated February 15, 2008;
  • Guidance document of the FSTEC of Russia "Methodology for Determining Actual Threats to the Security of Personal Data during Their Processing in Personal Data Information Systems" dated February 14, 2008

1.2. The Regulation establishes the procedure for receipt, accounting, processing, accumulation and storage of documents containing information related to the personal data of Clients of RPO "DA RT" (hereinafter referred to as the Company)

1.3. The purpose of this Regulation is to protect the personal data of Clients from unauthorized access and disclosure. Personal data are confidential, strictly protected information.

Goals and objectives of processing personal data of the Company's customers.

2.1. The processing of personal data in the Company is carried out in order to provide personal data subjects learning languages and fulfilling their obligations under contractual relations and current legislation of the Russian Federation. Treatment personal data of clients is carried out to solve the following tasks:

  • Formation and processing of documents for the purpose of recording on rental services;
  • Accounting and control of the financial and economic activities of the Company and the fulfillment of financial obligations under the concluded agreements;
  • Maintaining contacts with the subject of personal data or his legal representatives;
  • Other tasks necessary to improve the quality and efficiency of the Company.

The composition of the processed personal data of customers.

3.1. Personal data - any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or determinable natural person (personal data subject).

Client is an individual to whom training services are provided.

3.2. The personal data of the Customers (subjects of personal data) means any information relating to a directly or indirectly determined or determined individual (subject of personal data), including his last name, first name, middle name, gender, year, month, date and place of birth, address of the place of residence, contact phone numbers, passport data necessary to fulfill the obligations of the Educational Center, other information with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

This information is collected solely with written consent to the processing of personal data of the personal data subject or his legal representative. At the refusal of the subject of personal data to give consent to him explains the consequences of such a refusal.

The principles of processing personal data.

4.1 Processing personal data of customers, the Company adheres to the principles of:

  • good faith and legitimacy of the purposes and methods of processing personal data;
  • compliance with the law of receipt, processing, storage, as well as other actions with
  • personal data;
  • compliance of the volume and content of processed personal data and methods of processing personal data with the purposes of processing;
  • the reliability of personal data, its relevance and sufficiency for the purposes of processing, the inadmissibility of processing personal data that is excessive in relation to the goals stated during the collection of personal data;
  • Inadmissibility of combining databases containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out for purposes incompatible with each other;
  • restrictions on the processing of personal data in achieving specific and legitimate goals, prohibition of the processing of personal data incompatible with the purposes of collecting personal data;
  • storage of personal data in a form that allows you to determine the subject of personal data, no longer than the purpose of their processing requires, if the storage period for personal data is not established by applicable law.

Personal data is subject to destruction or depersonalization upon achievement of processing goals or in case of loss of need to achieve these goals, unless otherwise provided by applicable law.

Information about the implemented requirements for the protection of personal data.

5.1. The company takes the necessary legal, organizational and technical measures to protection of personal data from unlawful or accidental access to them, destruction, changes, blocking, copying, provision, distribution of personal data, as well as from other illegal actions in relation to personal data.

Collection (receipt) of personal data, processing of personal data, storage personal data.

6.1. The organization receives personal data of clients only personally from the client or from his legal representative. Personal data of the client can be obtained from his words and not checked.

6.2. The processing of personal data in an organization occurs both in an non-automated and automated way.

6.3. Employees with access to personal data receive only the information which they need to perform specific labor functions.

6.4. Personal data of customers is stored in paper and electronic form. In electronic personal customer data is stored in the organization's personal data information system, as well as in archival copies of the databases of these systems.

When storing personal data of customers and employees, organizational and technical measures ensuring their safety and excluding unauthorized access to them.

Transfer of personal data to third parties.

7.1. The transfer of personal data to third parties is possible only with the consent of the Client and only for the purpose of fulfilling the obligations of the Company within the framework of existing contractual relations, unless this obligation arises as a result of requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation or upon receipt of a request from authorized state bodies. In this case, the Company limits the transfer of personal data to the requested volume. In this case, a notification is sent to the Client about the fact of the transfer of his personal data to a third party, if this is possible.

The Client's personal data (including research results) can be provided to relatives or members of his family only with the written permission of the Client himself, unless the transfer of personal data without his consent is permitted by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Rights and responsibilities of the subject of Personal Data.

8.1. The subject of Personal Data has the right:

  • demand clarification of their personal data, their blocking or destruction if the data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or is not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, as well as take measures prescribed by law to protect their rights;
  • require a list of their personal data processed by the educational center and the source of their receipt;
  • receive information on the processing time of their personal data, including the periods of their storage;
  • appeal to the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects or to judicial action unlawful acts or omissions in the processing of his personal data;
  • to protect their rights and legitimate interests, including compensation for losses and (or) judicial compensation for non-pecuniary damage
  • other rights provided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation the customer is responsible for providing untrue personal data.

Final provisions.
9.1. The Company provides unlimited access to the Policy, including placing it on its official website.

9.2. This Policy is subject to change, addition in case of new legislative acts and special regulatory documents on processing and protection personal data.

9.3. Monitoring the implementation of the requirements of this Policy is carried out by the head.

9.4. In case of refusal of the subject of personal data to provide information or sign consent to the processing of personal data, the Company reserves the right to refuse the provision of educational services.

9.5. Responsibility of Company officials with access to personal data for failure to comply with the requirements of the rules governing the processing and protection of personal data, determined in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and internal documents of the educational center.

9.6. All suggestions or questions regarding this Policy should be reported to the Company Administration.

This Policy for the processing of personal data applies to all information that the Company may receive about the user while using the site's services. Use of the site's services means the unconditional consent of the user to this Policy and the conditions for processing his personal information specified in it; in case of disagreement with these conditions, the user should refrain from using the site services.

Согласие на обработку персональных данных
Пользователь, оставляя заявку на интернет-сайте, принимает настоящее Согласие на обработку персональных данных (далее – Согласие). Действуя свободно, своей волей и в своем интересе, а также подтверждая свою дееспособность, Пользователь дает свое согласие Региональной Общественной Организации «Стоматологическая Ассоциация Республики Татарстан» (РОО «СА РТ»), на обработку своих персональных данных со следующими условиями:
1. Данное Согласие дается на обработку персональных данных, как без использования средств автоматизации, так и с их использованием.
2. Согласие дается на обработку следующих моих персональных данных:
Персональные данные, не являющиеся специальными или биометрическими:
  • номера контактных телефонов; адреса электронной почты;
  • пользовательские данные (сведения о местоположении; тип и версия ОС; тип и версия Браузера;
  • тип устройства и разрешение его экрана;
  • источник откуда пришел на сайт пользователь;
  • с какого сайта или по какой рекламе;
  • язык ОС и Браузера;
  • какие страницы открывает и на какие кнопки нажимает пользователь;
  • ip-адрес.
3. Персональные данные не являются общедоступными.
4. Цель обработки персональных данных: обработка входящих запросов физических лиц с целью оказания консультирования; аналитики действий физического лица на веб-сайте и функционирования веб-сайта; проведение рекламных и новостных рассылок.
5. Основанием для обработки персональных данных является: ст. 24 Конституции Российской Федерации; ст.6 Федерального закона №152-ФЗ «О персональных данных»; настоящее согласие на обработку персональных данных.
6. В ходе обработки с персональными данными будут совершены следующие действия:
  • сбор;
  • запись;
  • систематизация;
  • накопление;
  • хранение;
  • уточнение (обновление, изменение);
  • извлечение;
  • использование;
  • передача (распространение, предоставление, доступ);
  • блокирование;
  • удаление;
  • уничтожение.
7. Персональные данные обрабатываются до отписки физического лица от рекламных и новостных рассылок. Также обработка персональных данных может быть прекращена по запросу субъекта персональных данных. Хранение персональных данных, зафиксированных на бумажных носителях осуществляется согласно Федеральному закону №125-ФЗ «Об архивном деле в Российской Федерации» и иным нормативно правовым актам в области архивного дела и архивного хранения.
8. Согласие может быть отозвано субъектом персональных данных или его представителем путем направления письменного заявления РОО «СА РТ» или его представителю по адресу, указанному в начале данного Согласия.
9. В случае отзыва субъектом персональных данных или его представителем согласия на обработку персональных РОО «СА РТ» вправе продолжить обработку персональных данных без согласия субъекта персональных данных при наличии оснований, указанных в пунктах 2 – 11 части 1 статьи 6, части 2 статьи 10 и части 2 статьи 11 Федерального закона №152-ФЗ «О персональных данных» от 27.07.2006 г.
10. Настоящее согласие действует все время до момента прекращения обработки персональных данных, указанных в п.7 и п.8 данного Согласия.
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